N1MM+ Full Install

To DOWNLOAD the Full Install file click here.

New to N1MM?
Installing N1MM Logger+ for the first time is a two-step process. You must first download and run the Full Install (sometimes also referred to as the Base Install). Then, before running the program for the first time, download and run the Latest Update first.

Each latest update includes significant upgrades, but unless you do the Full Install, subsequent updates will not have all the files they need to operate properly. After performing the Full Install, DO NOT launch the program. Proceed directly to downloading and running the Latest Update installer before using the program.


  • Detailed instructions on running the Full Installer and Update installers and setting up the program for first use can be found HERE.
  • Do not uninstall/reinstall. Updates are intended to be installed on top of each other.
  • Updates are cumulative, so when installing an update, you only need to install the most recent one
  • Do not use the Run option when connected to the website. Save the file to your computer first and then run it as administrator from the PC
  • Note that data files are stored in a different location from the program itself. By default, data files will be in a directory called N1MM Logger+ in your Documents folder. Make a backup of your Documents\N1MM Logger+ directory, including sub-directories, on a regular basis. At some point you’ll be very glad you did.

Join the Conversation!
If you’re just starting with N1MM+, we strongly encourage you to join the N1MMLoggerplus Groups.IO email reflector. Go to >Support >N1MM Forum to lean more.
Windows Vista Users!
The program can automatically download latest versions only for Windows 7 operating systems and later. If you run Windows Vista you will need to download the latest updates and install yourself – the old-fashioned way. Use the >Files >Program Files menu selection to manually download and then execute the files with Windows Explorer.
Attention Windows XP Users!
N1MM Logger + support for Windows XP ended on February 1, 2021 with version 1.0.8930. We strongly encourage you to update your operating system, but you can continue to use Window XP with the understanding that no bug fixes or contest updates will be available. If you need to reload/reinstall version 1.0.8930, a frozen copy of the program is available on the N1MM website under >Downloads >Program Files >N1MM+ for Windows XP.

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