Setup User Defined Contests

Setup User Defined Contests (UDC)

The User Defined Contests listed below have been developed by users of N1MM Logger+, and should work as described although they are not officially supported by N1MM Logger+.
There are probably additional details within the .UDC file regarding contest setup and exchange. Use a text editor to examine the file after downloading from the >Files >User Defined Contests gallery. Be advised that there are known scoring anomalies with some of the UDC contests.

Installation Instructions for a User Defined Contest (UDC)

User Defined Contests are not distributed with the program installer, either Full or Latest Update

  • A list of available User Defined Contests is located on the Supported Contests List page (enter udc in the search window).
  • The UDC files themselves are found on the N1MM Logger+ website, located under >Downloads >Category Listing >User Defined Contests
  • To enable a UDC contest and select it in the contest configuration dialog window
    1. Locate the desired UDC file on the website in >Downloads >Category Listing >User Defined Contests page (Note: for some UDCs, the file is a Zip archive file that contains the UDC and other files)
    2. Download the .UDC or .zip file to your computer’s hard drive in the UserDefinedContests directory in the N1MM Logger+ user files area, which is normally located at C:/Users/username/Documents/N1MM Logger+/UserDefinedContests. (Note: If you have moved the user files area during program installation or a reinstall, perhaps to avoid problems with OneDrive, there may be more than one N1MM Logger+ folder in your system; the one to download files to is the one that is pointed to from the Help > Open Explorer on User Files Directory menu item.) If the file is a zip file, open it from Windows File Explorer and extract all of the files it contains directly into the UserDefinedContests directory (not into a subdirectory, as Windows may offer to do); after you do this, the UDC file should be visible in the contents of the directory. If there is a readme file, read it and follow the instructions there (for example, it may tell you to move a .sec file to your SupportFiles directory)
    3. Restart N1MM Logger+
    4. Within N1MM Logger+, select >File >New Log in Database.
    5. Find and choose the UDC contest name you downloaded (without the .UDC file suffix). It will be included in alphabetic order among the list of all other supported contest names. NOTE: if you do not see the contest in that list, use a text editor (Notepad) to open the UDC file. Find the “Name =” statement (around line 10 of the file) which defines the actual contest name. In some instances the Name= statement may not match the Windows .UDC file name.
    6. If the contest files include a companion section list (.sec) file, you need to move/copy the .sec file to the SupportFiles subfolder in the N1MM+ user files folder (the one pointed to by the Help > Open Explorer on User Files Directory menu item). Then, launch N1MM+ and the >File >Open Log in Database contest dialog window will display the “Import Section List” button. Click on that button to import the section list for this particular contest. A list of available User Defined Contests is located on the Supported Contests List page (enter udc in the search window).

1 Watt Game

The 1 Watt Game. Exch: RST+Power+FullLocator. Score: Distance between stations/power. Enter QSO score in ‘Score’ Field.

  • Filename: 1WATTGAME_VHF.udc

4 States QRP Group SSS

Exchange: Member send RS(T)+S/P/C+MemberNr – Not Member send RS(T)+S/P/C+power.

  • Filename: 4sqrp.udc


1-7 July. Exchange: RS(T)+State/Prov/Country

  • Read the Read_Me file
  • FileName: 13COLONIES.udc in


50MHz RASE DX Sprint

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: EARSVHF.udc


A1 Club Weekly Test. Exchange:RST+Name. Callsigns are Mult once.

  • Filename: A1AWT.udc


Asiatic Russia (UA9) Championship CW

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: ACHAMPCW.UDC

Activity Group CW – DL QRP-QRP Party

Held 1st May each year. (1MAY_AGCW)

  • Exchange: RST + Serial Nr + Category
  • See the rules for more details.
  • Filename: 1MAY_AGCW.udc


AGCW-NTC QSO Party. Exchange: RST+Name/NM,  RST/Name/AGCWxxxx, RST/Name/NTCxxxx or  RST/Name/AGCWxxxx/NTCxxxx.

  • Filename:AGCW-NTCQP.udc

Alexander Savenkov Memorial

Alexander Savenkov Memorial

  • See the rules for more details.
  • Filename: UR5IOK_MEM udc

AM Rally

AM Rally. Exchange:Name+City/Town+S/P/C+Station details

  • See the rules for more details. If you need a space in City/Town, use ?
  • Filename: AMRALLY.udc


AMSAT_FD. Exchange: Satellite, FD-Class, ARRLSection, Grid – per mode/grid/satellite. If likely to change your Grid, setup as Rover or Mobile.

  • Filename: AMSAT_FD.udc


ANZAC DAY. Exchange: RS(T)+SerialNr/Grid(FT8)*WPX/band.


U/VHF-ARI-EME  Exchange:RS(T)

Not perfect, but useful. Watch the Log Window to avoid analogue dupes.

  • Filename: ARI_EME.udc


ARKTIKA-SPRING contest file

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: AC-SPRING.UDC + AC-SPRING.sec


Generic – RST and Serial Nr. Runs OK with a fixed amount of points per qso.
Select log type: AEGEANRTTY

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: AEGEANRTTY.udc


AGB-NEMIGA Contest. Third Friday of September (16 Sep 2011) 2100 – 2400 UT

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: AGB.udc


AGB NEMIGA, Allows RY and PSK modes. Select “MIXED+DIG” for “Mode Category”
Exchange: RS(T) + Serial Nr and AGB Member Nr (if a member)
Complete Contest name in log.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: AGB_RTTY.UDC

AGB Party

AGB-PARTY (Activity Group of Belarus) Contest. Third Friday of December (16 Dec 2011) 2100 – 2400 UT

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: AGBPARTY.UDC


AGCW YL Party. 1st Tuesday in March.

  • Exchange: YLs: RST + serial number starting at 001 /YL/name. Example: 579024/YL/Rosel. OMs: RST + serial number starting at 001/name. Example: 589019/Otto
  • Filename: AGCW-YLCWP-yl.udc or AGCW-YLCWP-om.udc. Do NOT put both files in your UDC folder.

AGCW VHF – UHF Contests

Held quarterly.
Exchange: RS(T) + Serial Nr + Category + Full Locator

  • See VHF_AGCW.txt
  • Filename: VHF_AGCW.udc in

ALARA Contest

ALARA Contest. Exch: Member, RS(T)+SerNr+ALARA+Name. NonMember-YL, RS(T)+SerNr+YL+Name. OM, RS(T)+SerNr+OM+Name

  • Filename: ALARA_YL.udc or ALARA_OM.udc in

Alaska QSO Party

If using SSB/CW plus Digital, Select MIXED+DIG in the Contest Setup Window. Enter QSO points on logging line.
Select file name: AKQP_RTTY
Exchange: Serial Nr, Name and Grid Square

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: AKQP_RTTY.UDC

Araucaria VHF Contest

World wide VHF contest.
Exchange: RS(T) and 6 character Locator

  • See the rules for more details, follow directions after the contest to work out your claimed score.
  • Filename: VHFARAU_SA.udc

ARCK Morse Sings

Exchange: RST+ARCK#ARCK or RST+SerNr+RDA or RST+SerNr.

  • See the rules for full details/ Read the Read_Me file.
  • File Name.


LU 40M Contest Exchange: RS+ 2digit year licensed. 1 pt x Year.

  • Filename:


Exchange: RS(T)+Serial# Wildcard stations will send op name.

  • See the rules for more details.
  • Filename: ARI_BASFER.udc

ARI RTTY 80/40m

(Set up for Italian domestic) ARI 80/40m RTTY Contest
Select file name: ARIRTTY
Exchange: Your Area Code

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: ARIRTTY.UDC



  • See the Read_Me file

ARKTIKA Polar Radioman

Exchange: RST + Arktika Club Member Number e.g. 599 AC999. Non-members send RST + Serial Number. Club member numbers are mults, once only.

  • See ARKTIKA_read-me.txt
  • Filename:


VHF/UHF only, optional signal report, 4 character grid as exchange, dupes are not allowed on same band CW, SSB, FM and Digi modes.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: ARRL_EME.udc

ARRL International Grid Chase

RS(T)(optional) 4 Character Grid

  • See ARRL Web for full details
  • Filename: GRIDCHRTTY.udc in

ARRL Volunteers On The Air

Exchange: RS(T). Special Stns RS(T)+I.D. e.g. 59 MEM.

  • Filename: ARRL_VOTA.udc


ARR PSK63 contest. discontinued.
Select log type: ARR_RTTY. Exchange RST and Serial. Multipliers are DXCC and “CT” Callsigns.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: ARR_RTTY.udc

Balkan HF Contest

CW/SSB Exchange:RS(T)+SerialNr. Mults – Balkan WPX Prefix

  • See the rules for more details
  • Filename: BALKAN_HF.udc

Bande Basse Italia Contest

Italian internal contest

  • See the Read-Me file
  • Filename:BB_ITALIA udc in

Batavia FT8 Contest

  • See the Read-Me file
  • Filename: BAT_FT8_YB.udc or BAT_FT8_DX.udc in

Battle of Riachuelo Contest

See the rules

Battle of Riachuelo Contest

  • See the Read-Me file

Bavarian Contest Club Meteor Scatter Contest

Exchange: RST. In Exch Field, for ‘IARU’ procedure qsos, type ‘C’ for CW or ‘D’ for Data, leave blank for ‘BCC’ procedure qsos.

  • Filename: BCC_MSC.udc

Bavarian Contest Club QSO Party (BCCPARTY)

  • Filename: BCC-QSO-Party.udc
  • Run logger and open new log for BCCPARTY contest
  • Import Call History file BCC-Members.txt
  • In the Config menu Enable CallHistory Lookup

Belgian Data Modes WW Contest

Belgian Data Modes WW Contest. If using AFSK, Select DIGITAL in the Contest Setup Window.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: BDMWWRTTY.udc

Belgorod Open Champion Contest

Belgorod Open Champion Contest, Select MIXED+DIG in Contest Setup Window

  • See the rules for more details
  • Filename: BELGO_RTTY.udc in

Brailei Cup

Brailei Cup Contest. Exchange: RS(T)+Nr+YO County. WAIT – under development

Number is Nr in call + age.

  • READ the Read-Me file.
  • Filename:

Brazil Independance Day Contest

Brazilian Independance Day PSK31 Contest. Select DIGITAL in Setup Window. v1.0.1,

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: BRAZ_IRTTY.udc

Brazilian Farroupilha Contest (FRPHF)

  • See the UDC file and the sponsors website for more details
  • Filename:

Bucuresti Contest

Now FT4 only, RST+SerialNr, no Mults. Set mode to DIGITAL. Use WSJT RTTY RU. xGeneric, Serial # and YO District or Country WEB Identifier (e.g. Belgium=BE, Sweden=SE) as exchange.
If using Mixed modes, select MIXED+DIG in the Contest Setup Dialogue.x

  • See Bucuresti_Read_Me.txt file for more details (In
  • Filename: BUCUR-FT4.udc


Central America contest. Exchange RST and Serial. Provinces and DXCC are mulpliers.

  • See the Rules for more details
  • Filename: CAHF.udc

Carpathian Sprint

Carpathian Sprint. Exchange: SerNr+Previous SerNr (001 000 for first QSO). QSY after calling CQ exchange, repeat QSO OK after 10 minutes.

  • Filename: Carpathian.udc

CAV Contest

OK/OM CAV Contest. Exchange: Members – RST+CAVxxx, non-members – RST+SerialNr.

  • Filename: CAVMEMBER.udc for members, CAVTEST.udc for non-members in

CHILE-WPX Contest.

Exchange: RS(T)+ChileRegion/CQZone. Points vary, Mults CE – CE Region, DXCC and CQZn, DX – CE Prefix and CE Region.

  • Filename:

Championship of Astrahan oblast

Russian internal contest

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: R6U-Champ.udc

Chernozem Region Open Cup

Exchange: RS(T)+(CCR)RDA/Age

  • Filename: CHER-CUP.udc


Spanish National Phone Contest (RADIO CLUB SEVILLA)

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: EACNF.UDC in

Contest Battle of JENIPAPO

Exchange: RS(T)+CQZone Mults WPXPrefix Band/Mode.

  • Filename: CBJ.udc


CQ Western Electric Contest. Ignore RTTY in the UDC name – use for all modes. Contact Employees, Retired Employees or other Amateurs. Exchange Name, WE Locator and years of service. Non-employees give number of CQ WE Contests entered (1 if current is the first, can be 1-6) If using all modes, be sure to select ‘MIXED+DIG’ on contest set-up page.

  • See the Read-Me file and the rules for full details.
  • Filename: CQWE_RTTY.udc in


South American VHF contest

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: CSA-VHF.udc

CQ World Scouts

Exchange: RS(T)+Class

  • Filename: CQWS.udc

CT QRP Club Contest

Exchange: RST + A(<1W) or B(qrp) + M, if a member of CT QRP Club. Held 1st May.

  • Filename: CT_QRP.udc


National Cuban contest \Cucalambe
Select log type: CUCALAMBE
Exchange: AREA Code
Import Section file (CUCALAMBE.sec required in N1MM Logger+ SupportFiles folder)

  • See the UDC file for more details.
  • Filename: CUCALAMBE.udc + CUCALAMBE.sec

Cup Chernigov CW

Chernigov Stations Exchange: RST+URDA

Others Exchange: RST+Serial Nr

  • Filename:
  • Chernigov Stations: CHERNI_CR.udc
  • Others: CHERNI_DX.udc
  • Send and Log leading zeros. Read – Chernigov_Read-Me.txt – Files in

CWOPS 10th Anniversary Celebration


  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Contest name in Contest Setup Dialog: CWO10
  • Filename: CWOPS10_UDC.ZIP

DARC FT4 Contest

Exchange; 4 Character Grid. 1point*Prefix.

  • Filename: DARC_FT4.udc

DARC Thuringen Contest.

Exchange: DARC Members RS(T)+DOK Others RS(T)+SerNr

For DARC Ruhrgebiets – Exchange RS(T)+DOK/NM

  • Filename: DARC Members – DARC_X_DL.udc in
  • Filename: Others – DARC_X.udc

DARC Funktag on Air

Exchange: RS(T)+DOK/NM non-DL send RS(T)+SerNr.

  • Filename:

DARC HSW Contest

DARC HSW Contest.

  • Exchange: RS(T)+SerNr+DOK/NM non-DL -RS(T)+SerNr.
  • Filename: DARC_HSW.udc in


Deutschland Easter Contest.
Exchange: RS(T) + DOK/NM. Non-DL RS(T)+Serial Nr.

  • Filename:


Digifest Contest. Exchange: RSQ and Locator(4 digits) Locator is mult (once only). Work Station each band and mode. Note1 – In the ‘Set up Contest Window’ Set the Mode Category to ‘DIGITAL’. Note2 – not all digital modes allowed in the contest are supported in MMVARI, most are in FLDIGI.


 Exchange: RS(T)+Member# or only RS(T).

  • Filename: DIG.udc

DIG_PA Contest

DIG_PA Contest
Select log type: DIG_PA
Exchange: RS(T) and Member Number or just RS(T) if not a member.

  • See UDC file for more details.
  • Filename: DIG-PA.udc

DL DTC Contest

German Telegraphy Contest, held 3rd October.
Select log type: DL – DTCDL.udc non-DL – DTCDX.udc
Exchange: RST and LDK, non DL only RST

  • Filename:


DNIEPER CUP. Send and receive two-letter AREA + Serial Nr. Set Mode to SSB+CW+DIGITAL in Contest Setup Window. v1.0.3
Select file name: DNIEPERTTY.
Sent Exchange: Serial Nr -must be first and a two letter Area or District or County Code. Set your Macro to send AREA then SerNr


Days of Young Ladies Contest

Work same station each band and mode. If using all modes (CW, RY & SSB.) select SSB+CW+DIGITAL when setting up.

  • Exchange:RS(T) + YL or OM.
  • Filename: DOYLS_OM.udc, DOYLS_YL.udc in
  • See the Read-Me file

DU3MY Memorial Contest

Exchange: Exchange: RS(T)+DU Zip Code, Non-DU send RS(T)+0000

  • Filename: DU3MY.udc in

EA QRP Contest

Exchange: RST + Category + M (if a member)

  • See the Read-Me file and rules for more details
  • Filename: EA_QRP.udc in


Exchange; RST+EACW#+Name/Name+Prov/Name+DXC.

  • Filename: EACWMeet.udc

EPC French DX Contest

EPC French DX Contest. Select log type: See Read-Me.txt in Exchange Call, RST, Dpt. Nr. or Serial Nr.
After the contest, edit CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SOAB-HP, SOAB-LP, MOAB-HP in log (see rules).

  • See the Read_Me file for more details. N1MM+ v4698 or later.
  • Filename:

EPC Ukrainian DX

Set of files for EPC Ukraine DX Contest (for participants outside of Ukraine). See the post on 11/29/2011 in for installation instructions

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename:

Esenin Russia Contest

Esenin Russia contest. SSB/CW 80+40M. Mults are Russian Regions and DXCC. Band and Mode restrictions.

  • Exchange: RS(T) + Serial Nr

File Name: ESENIN udc


ES Open HF Championship

  • See the Read_me.txt file for more details
  • Filename: ES_OPEN_DX.udc or ES_OPEN_ES.udc

EUCW Fraternizing Party

EUCW Fraternizing Party. Whatever is entered in Comment (Club Name) is a multiplier.
Select log type: EUCWFP
Exchange: Your name, (Club name), Member Nr. or NM

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: EUCWFP.udc


EUCW ON5ME-160 Party. Whatever is entered in Comment (Club Name) is a multiplier.
Select log type: EUCW160
Exchange: Your name, (Club name), Member Nr. or NM

  • See rules for more details.
  • Filename: EUCW160.udc

European Union DX Contest

Sponsored by the European DX Contest Club

Select log type EU_DXC

Exch: RS(T), EU Region I.D. or ITU Zone for non-European stations.

  • Filename: EU_DXC.udc in
  • See EUDXC-ReadMe.txt in for more details


Monthly Sprints. See the Read-Me file.

  • See the rules for more details.
  • Filename:

FGUP 2011

“Generic” contest, RS(T) and Serial Nr Exchange, All Callsigns are Multipliers.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: FGUP-2011.UDC

FIRAC Contest

Exchange: Members send; RS(T) + Serial Nr + F, Non Members send; RS(T) + Serial Nr.

  • Filename: FIRAC.udc

First Space Flight Cup

Exch: RS(T)+SerialNr. (CW, SSB, PSK63) DXCC and OBLASTs are Mults. 80m-20m.

  • Filename: F_S_F_CUP.udc

Fists Sprints

All Fists Sprint Contests. Exchange RST, S/P/C, Name and Fists Member Nr – for non members leave this field blank.

  • Filename: FISTSSPR.udc

Flight of the Bumblebees

Flight of the Bumblebees contest.
Select file name: FLTOTBBS
Exchange: State/Province/DXCC Entity and Power or Bumblebee Nr.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: FLTOTBBS.udc

Florida Parks on the Air

Florida Parks on the Air

  • See the rules and the Read-Me file.
  • Filename:

FOC Memorial Day QSO Party


  • Filename: FOC_MDQP.udc

FRAPR 10M Contest

Exchange: RS(T)+Power. KP4FRA, 10pts, KP4, 5pts, Others 3pts.

  • Filename: FRAPR_10M.udc

French National Castle Day

Exchange:RS(T)+CastleRef/Fdept/SerialNr. Mults-Castles(x10)+Dept+DXCC


French Mills On The Air

Exchange:RS(T)+MillRef/Fdept/SerialNr. Mults-Mills(x10)+Dept+DXCC

  • Filename:

FRR CN US Contest

SEE YO_ 30 minute sessions. First Exchange: Serial Nr and 3 digit Nr made up from Nr in Callsign and op age. e.g. YO9xx sends 001 959, if he rcvd 001 345, his next sent Exch would be 002 345 etc. CW – 1st and 2nd Monday March, SSB – 1st and 2nd Monday October.

  • See the rules
  • Filename:

G3ZQS Memorial Contest

Fists G3ZQS Memorial Contest, can be used for Fists Sprints.
Exchange: RST, State/Prov/DXCC, Name, and Fist# or Power

  • See the UDC file for more details.
  • Filename: G3ZQSMEM.udc


Generic, RS(T) + Serial Nr. WPX Prefix Mult.

  • Filename: GEDEBAGE.udc


Template for Serial # and State(Prov) as exchange. One multiplier – Section

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: Generic.udc


Template for Serial # and State(Prov) as exchange. 2 multipliers: Section and Country

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: Generic2.udc


Generic, Serial # and State(Prov) as exchange

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: GenericRTTY.udc

HA National Championship OB

Exchange: RS(T) + Serial Nr. Start a new contest for each mode.

  • See the Read_Me file for more details
  • Filename: HA_NChamp zip

HA3NS Memorial Contest

Exchange RST and HACWG Member Nr or NM

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: HA3NS.udc

HamCation QSO Party

Exchange: RS(T)+Name+State/Prov/DXc+Temperature.

  • See the Rules and the Read_Me file. Place all files in their correct folders, enable Call History if necessary.
  • Filename: Hamcation.udc in

Hamvention QSO Party (HVQP)

  • Modes: CW and Phone
  • Saturday, May 16, 2020
  • 12 hours – 12:00utc to 24:00utc (8am-8pm EST)
  • Exchange: RST signal report and year of first Dayton Hamvention attendance. If you have never attended Hamvention send “2020.”
  • Multiplier: +10 points for working DARA club station W8BI
  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: HAMVENT_QP.UDC — click HERE

Halifax Amateur Radio Club 90th anniversary QSO Party.

Exchange: RS(T)+S/P/C 1pt*S/P/C.

  • Filename: HARCQSOP.udc

Hessen Contest

Exchange; DL – HF RS(T)+DOK/NM,  VHF RS(T)+DOK/NM+Locator, Non-DL RS(T)+NM – NM+Locator. 3rd Weekend May. tnx dl3fcg

  • Filename: HF Hessen-HF.udc. VHF Hessen-VHF.udc – in See the Read-Me file.

HF Region 2 RTTY Contest

Exchange: Full Locator

  • See the Read Me file for more details.
  • Filename:


JLRS Hina 33 Contest. Multi Band, CW&SSB Contest. No RTTY, work once each band.
Exchange: YLs send RS(T) and YL, OMs send RS(T) only.

  • Filename: HINA33RTTY.udc

Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday (HPM150)

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Set the >Contest >Exchange to your ARRL section! (MI, ON, WTX…)
  • Filename:
  • August 31 through September 8, 2019
Invalid Section Errors?
To verify valid sections, HPM150 UDC relies upon the section list from the Winter Field Day contest: WinterFD.sec. That file is included in the HPM150.ZIP file. After unZIPping the file you need to move/copy the WinterFD.sec file to the SupportFiles subfolder in the N1MM+ user files folder (the one pointed to by the Help > Open Explorer on User Files Directory menu item). Then, launch N1MM+ and the >File >Open Log in Database contest dialog window will display the “Import Section List” button. Click on that button to import the valid section list.

ICWC-Medium Speed Test

ICWC MST Every Monday 1300-1400 and 1900-2000UTC, Tuesday 0300-0400Z.  Exchange: Serial Nr+Name.

  • Filename: ICWC_MST.udc


INDEXA Worldwide QSO Party. Exchange:RS(T)+N/M/O+S/P/C Non member 1pt, Member 3pts, Officers 25pts. Mults S/P/C

  • See the rules for more details.
  • Filename: INDEXAQSOP.udc

Interest Group RTTY Contest

Exchange: RST+Year first licenced. 1Pt*Year licenced.

  • See the rules for more details.
  • Filename: IG_WW_RTTY.udc

International 2010

SWL template, both Callsigns, RS(T) and Serial numbers are logged

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: SWL.udc

International Lighthouse Week 2010

International Lighthouse Week (Serial#, Name, Member# as applicable, Lighthouse# as applicable, State(Prov), as exchange)

Indonesian DX Contest

Indonesian DX Contest for DX (NON-Indonesian stations) Work anyone.

  • Exchange: RS+Serial Nr. YB Prefixes and Country multipliers. Remember to set for correct Mode when setting up.
  • Filename: YBDXC.udc

Indonesian DX Contest

Indonesian DX Contest for YB (Indonesian stations) Work anyone. Remember to set for correct Mode when setting up.

  • Exchange: RS+Serial Nr. World Prefixes and Country multipliers
  • Filename: YBDXCYB.udc

Indonesian JAKARTA DX Contest

Indonesian JAKARTA DX Contest, 40M only, SSB only, work anyone, 2nd weekend in May.

  • Exchange: RS + Serial Nr. WPX and DXCC multipliers.
  • Filename: JAKARTA.udc

Indonesian Padang DX Contest

Indonesian Padang DX Contest, 40M only, SSB only. 3rd Weekend December.

  • Exchange: RS + Serial Nr
  • Filename: PADANG_DX.udc

International Police Association Radio Club Contest

International Police Association Radio Club Contest, open to all.

  • Exchange: RS(T)+Ser Nr. +(if Member) IPA + State/Country Prefix (e.g. IPAFL or IPAG)
  • Filename: IPA_RC.udc


IRTS 80 Metres Counties Contest. CW/SSB, 80m only, Serial # and County as exchange

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: IRTS80M.udc


Select File name: IRTSCQIR
Exchange: Irish – Serial and County Code, Others – only Serial

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: IRTSCQIR.udc

Istra Open Contest

Exchange: RS(T)+4Grid. 1point*4Grid

  • Filename: IOC.udc

Italian Naval Old Rhythmers Club

Exchange :Members RST+NavalNr, Non-members RST+SerialNr.

JLRS Party Contest

Exchange:RS(T)+M or Y, OM RS(T) only. Mults – WPX. See the Read-Me file.

  • Filename:

Jamboree on the Air

Exchange: Name/Age/JamPuz. Make contact Band and Modes, CW,FM,SSB,FT8&RTTY. 1point/qso. Mults – DXCC+JamPuz.

  • Filename: JOTA-JOTI.udc


JOCK WHITE MEMORIAL FIELD DAY (NZART). 80/40m, SSB/CW, Report/Serial #/Branch # as exchange, 1 hour sessions

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: JWFD.udc


K1USN CW Slow Speed (con)Test.

  • Exchange: Name + State/Province/DXc
  • Filename: K1USNSST.udc


K1USN CW Slow Speed (con)Test Open. Exchange: Name + State/Province/DXc

  • Filename: K1USNSSTOP.udc


Internal JA contest

Kanham Contest

  • Read the rules
  • Filename:


KCJ(Keymen’s Club of Japan) contest. Version for the rest of the world (not JA), Prefecture as exchange

  • See the UDC file for more details (outdated)
  • Filename: KCJ.udc

Keymens Club of Japan

KCJ (Keymen’s Club of Japan Contest).
Select file type: KCJ_JA or KCJ_DX as appropriate.
Exchange: JA – RST+Prefecture or District Code, Others, RST+CQ Zone.
See KCJ-DX.UDC for Non-JA entrants. v1.0.2; KCJ_JA.UDC for JA entrants.

Keymens Club of Japan Top Band Contest

KCJ (Keymen’s Club of Japan Top Band Contest).
Select file type: KCJ_TB_JA or KCJ_TB_DX as appropriate.
Exchange: JA – RST+Prefecture or District Code, Others, RST+CQ Zone.
See KCJ_TB_DX.UDC for Non-JA entrants. KCJ_TB_JA.UDC for JA (Z25) entrants.

  • Don’t forget the Section file. KCJ.sec (link above)


Exchange: RS(T)+Komi RDA/Ruhr DOK/SerialNr. See KOMI_RUHR_Read-Me.txt. 2nd Saturday October.

  • Filename:

KT Serbia Cup

KT Serbia Cup Contest. Exchange: RS(T)+SerNr(+YU Region I.D.) 3rd Weekend Sept.

  • See KTKUP.txt in
  • Filename: KTKUP.udc or KTKUP_YU.udc

LABRE_DX Contest

Labre DX Contest. Exchange: RS(T)+PYstate/Continent. various points x PY states+DXCC band and mode. v10294 required.

  • Filename:


Exchange: 4 character Grid. 1pt + 1pt RIO Grande stations(e.g. PY3x)2, Must load LABRE-RS_cty.dat. Mults Large Square.

  • Filename: LABRE_RSDG.ZIP

Latvian Mechanical Key Party

Exchange: RST+Age+Category – (B (bug), C (cootie/side swiper) or S (straight)).

  • Filename: MK_PARTY.udc

Lighthouse Christmas Lights 2010

Lighthouse Christmas Lights 2010

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: LCL-2010.udc

Lighthouse Spring Lites 2010

Lighthouse Spring Lites 2010,

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: LightHouseEvent.udc

Lithuanian Cup Contest

Lithuanian Cup Contest
Select file type: LYxxCUP (on-site) – LYCUP others
Exchange: RS(T)+Serial Nr.

  • See the Read-Me file for more details
  • Filename:

Loano MCD Qso Party

Loano MCD Qso Party. Exchange:RST+MemberNr/SerialNr. replaced with Marconiqpd.

  • Uses a Bonus.txt file. See the Read-me file.
  • Filename:

LY WAL Contest

LY WAL Contest (Worked All Lithuania)
Select file type: LYWAL
Exchange: LY – WAL Area, Others, DX

Marconi Club QSO Party Day

Exchange: RST+MC+#/SerialNr

When setting up, click the ‘Import Section File’ button.
No button – check you have put the section file in the correct folder.

  • Filename:
  • See the Read-Me file.

Marconi Memorial Contest

Marconi Memorial Contest. Generic, RST+Serial NR Exchange, CQWW-type Country Prefix as Multiplier

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: MARCONIMEM.udc

Memory Lives Forever Contest

Memory Lives Forever Contest. RS(T) and Op Age MAY Also Send and Rcv S.K. Callsign & Age. e.g. 559 79 G8FW 88 as exchange.

  • Filename: MEMORY.udc

Michurinsk Contest Group Autumn Sprint

Autumn Sprint. CW and SSB. Exchange RS(T)+Serial Nr. Mults are DXCC and Oblasts

  • See the Rules
  • Filename: AUTUMN_SPR.udc

Masonic Lodges On The Air

Exchange:Lodge(State+Nr)or State/DX e.g. OH248 or TX or DX tnx, n9fn

  • Filename: MLOTA.udc

Maidenhead Mayhem

Exchange: Your four character grid square.

  • Filename: MM.udc


Select file type: VHFMUNRTTY
Exchange: Serial Nr + 6 Character Locator + Name of QTH
Note =Use for all – restrict Band to suit.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: VHFMUNRTTY.udc


Moscow Championship. Oblast(Rus) and Serial # as exchange. Oblast and every Moscow (MA) callsign is multiplier

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: Moskwa_Champ.udc

Memorial Contest-DL6RAI

DL6RAI Memorial Contest. Exchange: RS(T) + Year of first QSO with Ben(2digits)/NQ/4char Locator FT modes.

  • Filename:


Worked All China Provinces (MULAN DX) Contest. 80,40,20,15,10m SSB/CW,Province/SerialNr

  • See the Read-Me file for more details
  • Filename: WAPC_BY.udc

Mecklenburg Vorpommern Contest

Exchange: RS(T)+SerNr(+DOK/NM)(+Locator (VHF))

  • Filename: MVP_UKW.udc

NA Meteor Scatter Sprint

Exchange: RST+4Char Grid. Points by band per Km x Band Factor.

  • Filename: VHF_NAMSS.udc

Natal Digital Group PSK125

Now a DIGITAL Contest

  • See the Rules and Read-Me file
  • Filename:

NCCC FT4 Sprint

NCCC_FT4 Sprint. Exchange:4 Character GRID. 1point*Grid/Band

  • Filename: NCCC_FT4.udc

North American QRP CW Club Sprints.

Exchange: RST, State/Province/DXCC and Member Nr. or Power (include the ‘W’)

  • See the rules for more details.
  • Filename: NAQCC.udc

NAURYZDX – Central Asia Nauryz Contest

Exch: RS(T)+Oblast or ITU Zone.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: NAURYZDX.ZIP

New Jersey NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Contest

Exchange: RST, S/P/C or NPOTA Designator(for 2016 only), Skeeter number/Power.

  • Filename: SKEETER.udc


(Russian internal contest).

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: NRLC.UDC


NRRL (Norsk Radio Relæ Liga) TELEFONITEST
(Internal Norwegian Contest)

NTC Anniversary Party

NTC Anniversary Party.  Exchange: RST+Name+NTC#/NM.

  • Filename: NTC_JAN_AP.udc

NTC Qso Party

NTC QSO Party. Exchange:RST+Name+NTC#/NM +any comment.

  • Filename: NTC_QP.udc

NZ Sangster Shield Contest

  • Exchange: RST+SerNr(+NZ stns Branch#)
  • Filename: NZ_SSC_NZ.udc for NZ Stations, NZ_SSC_DX.udc for non-NZ Stations, in;

NZART WW11 Memorial and VHF and up Contests.

  • See the Read_Me file
  • Filename:


Use as a template – serial # and Oblast(Rus) as exchange. Oblast is multiplier

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: Oblast.udc

OH Domestic Events, Easter, Sainio, Summer, Autumn and Xmas.

Exchange: RS(T) Serial Nr. and County Code.

  • See the ReadMe.txt file.
  • Filename:


OHIO State parks are multipliers. 1 point per every QSO

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: OH-Parks.udc – download/copy this file to the UserDefinedContests subfolder in your N1MM+ user files folder (the one pointed to by the Help > Open Explorer on User Files Directory menu item)
  • Section filename: OH-PARKS.sec – download/copy this file to the SupportFiles subfolder in the N1MM+ user files folder.


OK-OM DX SSB Contest. (Note: OK/OM DX CW contest now has same rules. (2024)

OK-OM Stations send RS(T) + County Code, Others send RS(T) + Serial Nr. CQWW and County Codes are Mults.

  • See OKOM DX SSB.txt in OKOM DX
  • Filename: OKOMDXS.udc or OKOMDXS_DX.udc

OK1WC Memorial

OK1WC Memorial Contest. Callsign last letter is Multiplier.

  • Exchange: RS(T)+Serial Nr
  • Filename: OK1WC.udc


(Holicky Pohar) Exchange:RS(T)+DistrictCode 1pt*DistCode. OK/OM Stns only.

  • Filename: OKOMHOLPO.udc

Old New Year

RS(T) and NR (Age of OP. plus Years of Experience) as exchange
Select file name: OLDNEWYEAR
Exchange: Serial Nr and (Total of your Age + Number of Years YOU have held Licence).

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: OLDNEWYEAR.udc

OM Activity Contest

OM Activity Contest. Callsign last letter is Mult. (tnx OM4TQ)

  • Exchange: RS(T)+Serial Nr
  • Filename: OMAC.udc



  • See the Rules and Read-Me file.
  • Filename: OMISSQSOP.udc in

Original QRP

O R I G I N A L – Q R P – C O N T E S T. Serial # and Category (VLP, QRP or MP) as exchange

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: OQRP.udc

Open Season Ten Meter Qso Party

Exchange: Name+S/P/C+All Club Member# (1010-070-EPC) e.g. Don TX 10000-900-900) Enter number of club Nrs in ‘Points’ Field (1,2 or 3).

  • Filename: OSTM-QP.udc

Danish EDR JUL and NYT Events.

OZ ACTIV Contest

(Danish Internal Contest?)
OZ Activity Contest (Serial # and Post Code (first digit) as exchange)

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: OZACTIV.udc


OZCHR-VHF (Russian VHF contest).VHF bands only, 6 char. GriqSquare as exchange, dupes are not allowed on same band different modes

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: OZCHR_OCHN.udc

Parks On The Air

Parks on the Air. Records RS(T) + opName + POTARef (as x-xxxx) and if new POTA. v1.0.5 Treat a 2fer as a Rover.


PACC Digi Contest. FT8 & RTTY. Exchange:  PA Stations (RST)+2 Character Province,  non-PA Stations (RST)+SerialNr.  PA 3points, Others 1point. Mults PA Provinces – band and mode.

  • Filename:



  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: PARL.UDC

Pro CW Contest

CW or Digi.  Exch: RST+SerNr+/M – if a member of any CW/DIGI Club.  CW 1st Weekend December, Digi 2nd Weekend January.

  • See the rules for more details
  • Filename: PCC_MEM.udc (members) PCC_NM.udc (non-members) in See the Read-Me file.

Phone Fray

Weekly Phone contest. Exchange: Name + S/P/C Name only for non-NA stations.

  • Filename: PHONEFRAY.udc


Short Portuguese CW Contest. Members send PN Number, Others send Serial Nr.

  • See the Read-me file for more information.
  • Filename: PN_QUICKCW.udc or PNMQUICKCW.udc (in zip file)

Portuguese Navy Day Contest

Naval Clubs Members send RS(T)+Club I.D.+#, others send RS(T)+SerialNr. PN Club Members are not mults now, but the Section file is still required to score correctly.

  • Download
  • Filename: PND_M_RTTY.udc or PND_NMRTTY.udc

PODXS 070 Contests

Use for several PODXS070 Club contests. Exchange Call, RST and State/Province or DXCC Entity. Use for PSK Festival, Jay Hudak Memorial, Pumpkin Sprint and Firecracker

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: PODXS1RTTY.udc

PODXS 070 St. Patrick’s Day Contest

Use for PODXS070 Club St. Patrick’s Day Contest. Exchange Call, Name, State/Province or DXCC Entity and Member Nr.

  • See the rules for more details
  • Filename: PODXS2RTTY.udc

PODXS Triple Play Low Band Sprint

PODXS070 Club Triple Play Low Band Sprint. Select log type: 070TPRTTY. Exchange Call, RST and State/Province/DXCC Entity.

  • See the PODXS Website for more details
  • Filename: 070TPRTTY.udc

PODXS Three Day Weekend Contest

PODXS 070 Club Three Day Weekend Contest. First Friday after Memorial Day. Exchange Member# or 0000.

  • See the PODXS Website for more details and PODXS_TDW-ReadMe.txt in
  • Filename: PODXS_TDW.udc in the zip file.

PODXS Valentine Sprint Contest

PODXS070 Club Valentine Sprint. Select log type: 070VSRTTY. Exchange Call, Name, OM/YL and State/Province/DXCC Entity.
After the contest, edit “YL”s to 2 points. Complete Contest name in log.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: 070VSRTTY.udc



  • Exchange: RS + Serial Nr + Last Serial Nr received (as LZ Open – start with 001 000)
  • Filename: POP_YTHCUP.udc

Popov Memorial

POPOV MEMORIAL CONTEST – RS(T) and NR (Years of Experience) as exchange

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: PopovMemorial.udc


(Russian internal VHF contest). 2M only, serial # and GriqSquare as exchange, dupes are not allowed on same band CW, SSB and FM modes

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: Popov_Cup_VHF.udc

Primorsky HF Contest

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: PRIMOR_HFC.udc

PSK 31 Flavors

Select file type: FLAVORRTTY
Exchange: State/Province or DXCC Entity + 070 member number/Name, if not member

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: FLAVORRTTY.udc

PW 144 and 70Mhz

PW 144 and 70Mhz.
Select file name: PW_144_70
Exchange: Locator. 4 Character Square

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: PW_144_70.UDC


Exchange: 4Grid only. 1point – Mults 4Grid+DXCC once.

  • Filename: QO-100.udc


QRP-AFIELD Contest, Exchange: RS(T)+S/P/C+NEQRP#/Power. Scores as qrp, fixed.

  • Filename: QRP-AFIELD.udc


QRP HF RTTY Contest.
Exchange: RST and CQ Zone

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: QRPHFRTTY.UDC

R3A Cup Digi

R3A Cup Digital Contest
Exchange: RST and Oblast or Serial Nr

  • See the Read Me file in
  • Filename: R3A_CDRTTY.udc


Russian internal contest See the UDC file for more details

Filename: R3E-SC.UDC

R3L_HF_CUP – Smolensk HF Cup

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: R3L_HF_CUP.udc

R4C Champ

Russian internal contest

R4W (Udmurtia, Russia) Open Championship

Russian internal contest

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: r4w-champ.udc

R6H Champ

Russian internal contest

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: R6H-Champ.UDC

R9S Champ

Exchange:SerialNr+RDA/4character Grid.

  • v9440 required.
  • Filename:R9S-CHAMP.udc

Radio Club Region Murcia Sprint

Exchange: RS+EA Municipality (example MU)+Full Locator/SerialNr+Full Locator.

  • See the ReadMe file.
  • Filename:

Radio Club of America Transatlantic QSO Party


  • Filename: RCA_TQP.udc


Exchange: Send/Receive RST+random groups (5 characters). Earn extra Pts recording other exchanges.

  • Filename: RANDOMGRAM.udc

RCWC 4 Seasons

Russian 4 Seasons Contests

  • See the Read_Me file for more details
  • Filename:


  • Filename; RCWC_MINIm.udc for Members, RCWC_MINI.udc for non-members
  • Exchange: RST+CMxxx or Serial Nr. Uses Call History Multipliers. See the Read-Me file.

RCWC RPX Contest

Russian CW Club RPX Contest. Exchange; RST+SerNr.

  • See the rules for more details
  • Filename: RCWC_RPX.udc


Russian internal contest

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: REGION-NR.udc

Ross A Hull Memorial

Exchange: RS(T)+SerNr+Full Locator. 1pt/100km. Band Mults. All January.

  • Filename: RAHULL_VHF.udc

RSGB 40m QSO Party

RSGB 40m QSO Party. Exchange; RS + Name (Please keep to 8 characters or less)

  • Filename: RSGB_40QP.udc

RSGB FT4 Contest Series

A series of short duration events to allow entrants to experience the latest machine-generated contest mode. As this series is experimental, there are likely to be changes as we develop experience with this mode, so please check the rules prior to each event

  • Exchange; Report only.
  • Filename; RSGB_FT4.udc (in


A series of short QSO party style weekday contests. (Use for RSGB GOTA4C series, edit Contest name in Cabrillo file)

Anyone works Anyone. Exchange – CW& SSB RS(T)+SerNr. – FT4  Signal report+4-Character Locator.  Points vary Band & Continent.  Mults – DXCC/Grid .

See the Read-Me file.


RSGB FT4 International Activity Day

Anyone works Anyone. Exchange: RST only.

  • Filename: RSGBFT4IAD.udc


RSGB UKAC (VHF). VHF+ only, Points per Km and UK GridSquare multiplier

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: VHF_Paul4.UDC

RSGB VHF Contests

One Generic, Exchange RS(T), Serial Nr and Full Locator. 1 Point/Kilometer. No Multipliers.​ For Christmas Cumulatives 2021- use ‘M4’ file.

  • See VHF_RSGB_ReadMe.txt in for other RSGB VHF Contests covered.
  • Filename:


DL RTC Party. Exchange: RST (+Member Nr) + 4 Character Grid

  • See the rules for full details
  • Filename: RTC_PARTY.udc


RUSSIAN 160 m contest (Contest Board will calculate points)

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: RUSSIAN160.UDC

RTTY OPS Weekend / Weekday Sprint

Every Sat. 1600-1959. 80-10m. / Every Friday 0145-0215

  • Exchange: BOTH C/S+SerialNr+(Nick)Name+Full Locator. / Name+State or Ctry Prefix

South America CW Contest

Exchange: RST+(non-member)IARU Zn/(member)M/QRP/YL

  • Filename: SACW.udc

Serbian CW Club Short Wave Contest

  • Exchange: RST+SerialNr/MemberNr(Mxx) 
  • Filename: KTSCWC_MEM.udc for Members. KTSCWC_NM for non-members.
  • See the Read-Me file. Files in

SM Monthly Test

SM Monthly Contest. Exchange: RS(T) + Serial Nr + Full Locator.

  • See the rules for full details
  • Filename: SM_MT.udc

South America 10 Meter

South America 10 Mtr. Exchange: RS + CQ Zone.

  • See the rules for more details.
  • Filename:


This contest is published for learning purposes only. WA QSO party (aka Salmon Run) is fully supported by the logger

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: Salmon_Run.udc

SARA Spring Sprint

SARA Spring Sprint. Exchange: RST, Locator and Class, Locator and WPXprefix are Mults
Select file name: SARA
Exchange: Your Locator and Class of entry.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: SARA.UDC

SARA Spring Sprint (OM)

SARA Spring Sprint (for OM stations). Exchange: RST, Locator and Class, Locator and WPXprefix are Mults
Select file name: SARAOM
Exchange: Your Locator and Class of entry.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: SARAOM.udc

SARL Contests

Several SARL Contests. See the Read_ME file in

  • Filename:

Sasquatch Stomp

Exchange: RST+S/P/C+SS#or last 3 of zip or rst rcv/Name. Work same Stn after 1hr(same band) Work with Caps Lock on.

  • Filename: SASQUATCHS.udc


SCAG Sprint Cup
Select file name: SCAG
Exchange: Name + Member (SCAG Club) Nr or NM

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: SCAG.udc

Seanet Contest

Seanet Contest , RST + Serial as exchange, DXCC Countries as Multipliers.
Seanet Countries use SEANETRTTY.UDC; Non Seanet countries use SEANETRTTY2.UDC (Rename to SEANETRTTY.udc after copying to N1MM\UDC folder)

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: SEANETRTTY.udc


Scottish DX Contest, RS(T) + GM Area Code or Serial Nr. GM Area Codes and WAE Countries as Mults.

  • See the ReadMe file in zip file
  • Filename:

Sea-Pac QSO Party

Sea-Pac QSO Party. Exchange: RS(T)+S/P/C+Name. See rules for log instructions.

  • Filename: SeaPac_QP.udc


Silent Key Memorial Contest. Exchange RST+ a Silent Key Callsign.

  • Filename: SKMEM.udc


Six Meter International Radio Klub contest. Exchange: SMIRK number, if the station worked has one, and grid

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: SMIRK.udc

South East VHF Sprints

South East V/UHF Sprints. Exchange: 4 Grid or 6 Locator.

  • Filename: SE_VHF_SPR.udc


Exchange: RS(T) + Number of years held license + OT if OTC club member.

  • Filename: SP_OTC.udc

SP PGA Contest DX

Polish PGA-Test, Non-SP Stations”,

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: PGATEST-DX.udc

SP PGA Contest SP

Polish PGA-Test, for Polish Stations”,

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: PGATEST-SP.udc

SP_PK Contest

Zawody SP-PK Exchange RS(T) + Skrót powiatu albo skrót wojewódzwa i powiatu dla stacji z woj/SerNr.

  • Filename: SP_PK.udc in

SSA Monthly Test

SM Monthly Contest. Exchange: RS(T) + Serial Nr + Full Locator.

  • See the rules for full details
  • Filename: SSAMTCW.udc, SSAMTSSB.udc in

SSA_JT Christmas Contest

Exchange: RS(T)+SerNr+5letters/word as ROLO/LZ Domestic. 2Pts no mult.

Do not put your first 5 letter message in the ‘Sent Exchange’ box, for CW send by hand, add it to the Cabrillo file. N1MM+ v1.0.9758 or later required. For CW use

  • Filename: SSA_JT.udc

Suffixes XXIX National

Suffixes XXIX National (EA). RS and Province as exchange.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename:


SP WW EPC BPSK63 Contest.
Exchange: RST+Serial or SP Province Code. Province and DXCC are Multipliers.

  • See SPEPC_RTTY.text in
  • Filename: SPEPC_RTTY.udc or SPEPCORTTY.udc


SRR (Russia) youth hams contest

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: SRRJR.UDC

SV Triathlon

Exchange: RS(T) and Serial. Entrants using all three modes select MIXED + DIG in the Contest Setup Window. Correct claimed score – multiply ‘B3’ number by 3, then by number of multipliers, add to previous claimed score.

  • FIlename: TRIATHRTTY.udc Discontinued?

Swiss VHF Activity Contests

See the rules


TA VHF UHF Contest. Exchange: RS(T) Serial Nr. (Start at 001 on each band) Full Locator. Select MIXED in the Contest Setup Dialogue Window.

  • Filename: VHF_UHF_TA.udc


TARA SKIRMISH Contest. Exchange: Name and Prefix (Area locator),

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: SKIRMRTTY.udc

Tennessee Parks on the Air


TenTen QSO Parties

Exchange: Name, State(Prov. or Country) & TenTen #/0. Use for ALL QSO parties – restrict mode to suit. After preparing Cabrillo file, add TenTen Contest type to Cabrillo Header e.g. TENTEN-FALL-CW. Insert ‘CATEGORY-SECTION: ‘QRP, LOW POWER, HIGH POWER, CLUB or MOBILE also add ‘QSOs WITH 10-10 NUMBERS: ‘ and ‘QSOs WITHOUT 10-10 NUMBERS: ‘.

  • See the ReadMe file for more details
  • Filename: 1010RTTY.udc in (Ignore ‘RTTY’ in the filenames.)

Tesla HF Memorial Contest

Exchange: RST, Serial Nr. and Your 4 Character Grid e.g. IO93. Scores correctly.

  • Filename: TESLA_VHF.udc

The Day of YLs

\Days of YLs\(YL/OM party) – Exchange: RS(T) + YL or OM. Work same station each band and mode.
Select log type DOYLSRTTY
Mode Select: If using all modes, select MIXED+DIG
Exchange: OM or YL Discontinued

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: DOYLSRTTY.udc

TISZA Cup International Radio Contest

CW only Exchange: RST+CQ Zone

  • Filename: TISZA_CUP.udc or TISZA_CDX.udc in

True Blue Ultra DX Marathon

Exchange: RS(T)+CQ Zone

Texas Parks On The Air

Exchange: Callsign and Park Designator, State, Province or DX Prefix

  • See the Read-Me file in the zip file.
  • Filename: TX-PARKS.udc

UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest

Exchange: RSQ and Serial Number Starting at 001. Mults are WPX Prefix

  • See UBAPSK63_ReadMe.
  • Filename: UBA63RTTY.udc in

UFT HF All Band Contest

Exchange RST, Member Number or NM

  • Filename: UFT-HF.udc (in


UFT Meet. Exchange: RST+MemNr/SYMNr/NM.

  • Filename: UFT_MEET.udc

UFT QRP Contest

Exchange: RST/QRP(QRO)/MemberNr(NM) Mults are Member Numbers.

  • See the Read-Me file
  • Filename:

UFT-YL-CW Contest

Exchange: YLs send; RST + Serial Nr + YL + Name, OMs send; RST + Serial Nr + Name

  • See the Rules for more details
  • Filename: UFT-YL-CW zip


Exchange Real RSQ, Serial Nr. and your DXDA Number.

  • See UKDX63.txt in
  • Filename: UKDX63RTTY.udc

UKEICC 80m Contests

Exchange: Only Full Locator, e.g. IO84QI

  • Filename: UKEI80_VHF.udc IGNORE ‘VHF’ in the file name.

UKEICC Summer Series

Exchange: Only Full Locator.

  • Filename: UKEISS_VHF.udc Ignore ‘VHF’

UKSMG Winter Marathon

Exchange RS(T) and 4 Character Locator. If intending to use Data modes, select MIXED+DIG in the Contest Setup Dialogue Window

  • See the Read-Me text file in the zip file.
  • Filename:


Ural Cup (Kubok Urala)


URC DX RTTY Contest. Exchange: RST+Territory Code. Variable Points, Mults 3 character territory.

  • Filename:

USi W/VE Islands Qso Party

USi W/VE Qso Party
If a station is going to use all three modes, in the contest set-up window select Mixed+Digi.
Island stations should start a new log for each location (to re-start Serial Nr)
Select file name: USI_QPRTTY
Exchange: Island Designator(If Island station) and/or State/Province or DXCC Entity.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: USI_QPRTTY.udc


VHF only, serial # and GriqSquare as exchange, dupes are not allowed on same band CW, SSB and FM modes

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: UT5EU_Memorial_VHF.udc

VHF-UHF FT8 Activity

FT8 Activity. Exchange; C/S+4 Char Grid.

  • Filename: FT8-ACTVTY.udc


Exchange:RS(T)+SerNr+Full Locator. Dupes are not allowed CW, SSB and FM modes.

  • Filename: VHF_ARAM50.udc


Worked All Provinces of The Netherlands: Exchange RS(T), Serial NR and Grid, Dutch Stations send RS(T), Serial NR and 2 figure Province Code. Unzip the file (there will be 2 files – udc and txt), import CallHist_VHF_WAP.txt and turn Call History Lookup on.

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename:

902UP or MICROWAVE Sprints

  • Exchange: Full 6 Character Locator only.


VHFSPRING and UP Sprints.

  • Exchange: 4 char. GridSquare as exchange, CW, SSB and FM modes.
  • Filename:SpringVHF&UpSprint.udc

VOLGOGRAD Championship

Volgograd Championship. Exchange: RS(T)+SerialNr/VG. See the Read-Me file.

  • Filename:


  • Exchange: RS(T)+SerNr+YU Auto Registration Letters, non-YU ‘NY’. ‘VD’ worth 3 mults. 4th Fri June.
  • Filename:

VU Himalayan Contest

Indian Stations send RS(T) and 2 figure State or Union Territory Code. Others RS(T) and Power
Use the correct UDC file for your location.

  • See VU_Read-Me.txt in for more details.
  • Filename: VU_HIMA_DX.udc or VU_HIMA_VU.udc (in

VU International DX Contest

Indian Stations send RS(T) and 2 figure State or Union Territory Code, others RS(T) and Serial Number.
Use the correct UDC file for your location. Select log type: VU_DX_ VU=VU Stations, DX=Non-Asian Stations, ASIA=Non-VU Stations.

  • See VU_Intl_Read-Me.txt in for full details.
  • Filename: VU_DX_VU.udc or VU_DX_ASIA.udc or VU_DX_DX.udc

VU Summer (Internal) Contest

Exchange: RS(T) and Serial Number

  • Select correct Mode Category in the Contest Set up Dialogue Window, e.g. MIXED+DIG if working all three modes.
  • Filename: VUSUMMRTTY.udc (in

Vytautas Magnus trophy

Vytautas Magnus Trophy (v1.0.2) Held the first Sunday AFTER the new year. 80m and 2m. CW and Phone. Exchange RS(T), Serial Nr and full Locator(Multipliers)

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: VMTROPHY.udc

WAB Contests

Worked All Britain Contests

  • See WAB ReadMe in
  • Filename: WAB.udc

Weekly RTTY Test – WRT

  • See WRT Rules and UDC download link here:

WIA Australia Day

Exch: RS(T) and Number of ‘Years held Licence’ Rules change – RS(T)+4CharGrid.

WIA Remembrance Day

RS(T) and Number of ‘Years held Licence’ as exchange.

  • Filename: WIA_RDC.udc


Exchange: RS(T)+SerNr+Full Locator.

  • Filename: WIA_VHFUHF.udc

Worked All Lithuania – WAL

Exch: RS(T)+WAL Square/DX – WAL Sq and DXCC mults once.

  • Filename:

Wisconsin Parks on the Air (WI-PARKS)

Exchange: See new rules (2023)

  • Third Saturday in September every year
  • Filename: WI-SPOTA.UDC file and section list (WISPOTA.SEC) files in
  • See the Read-Me file.

Winter Field Day – WFD

See “Setup HF, SSB and CW Contests – WFD” Now integral module, UDC file not required.

Worked All China Provinces DX

Worked All Provinces of China
See MULAN WAP above

Worked all VK Shires

Exchange RS(T) and VK Shire code, (DX send CQ Zone)

  • See VKshires_readme.txt in the zip file.
  • Filename:

World Amateur Radio Day Contest HF

Exchange: RS(T)+Age as at 1st Jan. When setting up remember to enter YOUR AGE in the ‘Sent Exchange’ box.

  • Filename: WORLDARDCH.udc

World Amateur Radio Day Contest VHF

Exchange: RS(T)+Age as at 1st Jan. When setting up remember to enter YOUR AGE in the ‘Sent Exchange’ box.

  • Filename: WORLDARDCV.udc

World Lighthouse On The Air (OTA)

World Lighthouse OTA. Exchange: RS(T) Serial Nr, plus Lighthouse Expeditions send Reference Nr (Lxxxx)

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: WLOTARTTY.udc

World Wide Patagonian DX Contest

Exchange: RS(T)+4character Grid. When setting up remember to enter your Grid in the ‘Sent Exchange’ box.

Worldwide SSB Activity Contest

Every Tuesday. Exchange: RS+OM,YL,YOUTH,YOUTHYL

WESM minitest

This contest is already implemented as MINITESTCW in the logger. Use this udc file for learning only. RST, Serial Nr, 80 metres only. Note=Contest is every Wednesday, 1800-1900 GMT, six periods, work each station each 10 minutes, each call is mult once “,

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: WESM.udc



  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: YA CHAMP.UDC

YBDXPI FT8 Contest

Exchange: Only your 4 Character Grid.

  • Filename: YBDXPI-FT8-YB for YB Stations, YBDXPI-FT8-DX for non-YB Stations.


Exchange: RS+SerialNr. Points various, Mults – WPX + DXCC

  • Filename:


The YL-OM Contest is scheduled (1400 UTC Feb-11-2011 thru 0200 UTC Feb-13-2011)
Exchange: Station Worked, QSO Number, RST, ARRL/RAC Section or DX Country”,

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: YLOM.udc


YO DIGI, (YO internal contest) PSK63/RTTY, EXCH: RST+SerialNR. First Monday in September. 15 minute periods.

  • Filename: YODIGI.udc


YO PSK31 contest. RST, Serial NR and Country ID (e.g. G) – YO send County Code as exchange
Select file name: YORTTY
Exchange: Serial Nr and Your Country Prefix – YO Stations: Serial Nr and County Code

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: YORTTY.udc

YOTA Contest

Exchange: RS(T)+Age as at 1st Jan.

  • Filename: YOTA.udc

Battle of Carabobo Contest.

Exchange: RS, Serial Nr, YV Stations also send District code(Mults by band)

  • See the Read-Me file in
  • Select file name: YVBC_SSBYV.udc or YVBC_SSBDX.udc


Exchange: S/P/C + Zombie NR/Phone 3 digit area code + Name + Years held Licence. CW only.
Select file name: ZOMBIE.udc
Exchange: State/Province/Country I.D. and your Zombie Member Nr or 3 Digit phone area code and your Name and Number of years you have held Licence.
Work out your score. (See rules)

  • See the UDC file for more details
  • Filename: ZOMBIE.udc

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