Getting Started

Idea & Overall design: Tom N1MM
Overall programming: Tom N1MM
Programming: John K3CT, Nick NA3M, Rick N2AMG, Steve N2IC, Terry AB5K, Andy KU7T
Documentation/Help: Larry K8UT, Pete N4ZR, Rich VE3KI, Thomas PA1M
N1MM Logger logo artist: Julio, LU5MT
Testing and proposals: N1MMLoggerPlus.Groups.IO group members – Thanks!!!

Getting Started is intended to guide the new user of N1MM Logger+, or a user making the transition from N1MM Logger classic, in chronological order to the point where he/she has a correctly installed version of N1MM Logger+ with basic logging functionality.

N1MM Manual
The Manual section will provide in-depth information for configuring and operating N1MM Logger+, beyond what is covered in Getting Started. The information in the Manual is arranged by topic areas.

The purpose of the Appendices section is to provide a location for information not directly related to supporting the N1MM Logger+ software – but still information that users will find useful.
PC Requirements
Minimum Hardware Requirements
N1MM Logger+ incorporates the latest multi-threading technology, and will take full advantage of multi-core CPUs. It’s difficult to set an absolute minimum configuration that will work under all circumstances. A single-core 1.6 GHz processor is probably the minimum required, but the CPU requirements depend quite heavily on which program options, modes, etc. are selected, so this may not be adequate depending on how you use the program. The program itself does not require a large amount of memory, but the more memory you have, the more smoothly Windows multitasking works. Memory is especially important when the CPU is a single core.
The recommended minimum graphical resolution is 1024 by 768 (SVGA), or 1366 x 768 (720P) for wide-screen monitors, with many hams running higher resolutions and dual screens. At vertical resolutions of less than 768 pixels, like many netbooks, several of the larger windows will not fit entirely on the screen.
Radio control can be done through serial ports or through a USB-to-serial adapter. CW keying, FSK RTTY and PTT can be done through serial or parallel ports, through a USB-to-serial adapter, or through K1EL’s Winkeyer (an excellent solution which offloads CW processing entirely). For FSK RTTY, an extra serial port is needed. For AFSK, PSK31 and other modes requiring audio interfacing, the same methods described for phone interfacing can be applied.
SO2R “boxes” may be controlled through a hardware LPT port under 32-bit operating systems or 64-bit operating systems. Alternatively, the MicroHam USB SO2R Control Protocol and the K1XM Open Two Radio Support Protocol are both supported, for use with devices that accommodate them.
USB-to-serial converters and USB interface devices are supported through virtual serial ports provided by their associated driver software. USB-to-LPT converters cannot be used for either SO2R control or CW/PTT functions, except for the PIEXX SO2RXLAT (which is specifically designed for this purpose).
For more information see the Interfacing section.
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 11 32/64 – preferred
- Windows 10 32/64 – preferred
- Windows 8.1 32/64
- Windows 7 32/64 – Microsoft support ends 2020-01-14. Not recommended. You may need to install .Net 4.6.2 in order for N1MM to work
- Windows Vista 32/64 – not recommended
- Windows XP SP3 – support ends January 31, 2021. Versions after that date will not work on XP. No fixes will be issued for the last XP version.
Linux and other Operating Systems will not be natively supported. OM2LT has done a great job documenting how to get N1MM+ running on Linux using wine. See Contesting with N1MM on Linux
If you are still using Windows XP or Vista, you may see error messages (“404 error” or “unable to connect to server”) every time you start up the program. These error messages appear because you are using an operating system that does not support current web site security. Microsoft does not provide SSL encryption support for modern websites for XP & Vista, so the https connection to the N1MM+ web site to check for updates does not work. If your browser has been updated to allow you to connect to modern web sites, you will be able to download the latest update through your browser and update the program manually, but the automatic version check performed by the program at startup will still fail.
Unsupported operating systems are more vulnerable to attack by malware, because malware authors who find vulnerabilities know that those vulnerabilities are not going to be fixed. That leaves your system potentially open to being co-opted by malware to act as a bot and attack other systems. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and upgrade to a supported operating system.