The Move Multipliers Window

Move Multipliers – The Move Multipliers link on the Window menu of the entry Window will display this window. For every call sign in the spot table and every band/mode selected using the Select Band & Mode button, displays the multiplier status of that call sign and indicates with background shading which band that station was spotted on. The multiplier status depends on the program’s ability to determine the multiplier status solely from the spot information. It is not updated when a contact is logged, deleted, or spotted, but only when the Refresh button is used. A left-click on a call sign will QSY the radio to the first spotted band. If a station is spotted multiple times, repeated clicks will QSY to the next spot on the line. In SO2R or SO2V, if a radio or VFO is already on the spot band, that radio/VFO will be used, otherwise the active focus radio will be used, or Shift+Click will QSY the other radio. A mouse wheel click will delete the line.