Download Info
- Author: n1mm
- File size: 5.14 MB
- Downloads: 10404
- Updated: 2024-08-20
- Categories:
Added ability to mark contacts as "X-QSO". Cabrillo output and point value reflect the the X-QSO status. Callsign field in log window for X-QSOs is annotated with a red X. The presence of X-QSO contacts in things like scores, dupe/mult checking and statistics will come later. (Coded by N1MM & N1RM) Enabled self spotting in RDAC (Coded by NA3M) NH QSO Party: Change VE mults to match the other QP the same weekend. (K1RX) (Coded by K3CT) Fix RTE checking for sleeping com ports (K2XR) (Coded by N1MM) WAE: Bearing display incorrect for PA & OK callsigns. The underlying cause is understood and this change should fix other contests with the same issue. (N3QE) (Coded by N1MM & K3CT) WAE: Minor change to QTH Setup window text. (Coded by N2IC)