Download Info
- Author: n1mm
- File size: 5.15 MB
- Downloads: 21464
- Updated: 2024-10-15
- Categories:
FTDX-101D: Added code to poll radio for transmit for station call "N1MM" (Coded by N1MM) Broadcast Data: Added station callsign to App and Radio broadcasts. Has tag "mycall". M0CUK (Coded by N1RM) Fixed rotor display for Yaesu GS232B rotor interface (N2OY)(Coded by N2IC) UDC: added "MyExchange, nnn - give nnn points for Qs with stations with the same Exchange as mine" for /PointsPerContact/ in _UDC_Help.txt file (G4OGB) (Coded by NA3M)