Download Info
- Author: n1mm
- File size: 5.15 MB
- Downloads: 11695
- Updated: 2024-10-29
- Categories:
PA QSO & NV QSO Party: Map VE8, YT, NWT, and NW exchanges to TER. (Coded by K3CT) Ham Spirit Contest: HAMSPIRCW and HAMSPIRSSB replaced with cw/ssb modes HAMSPIRIT contest module (RA0AM) (Coded by NA3M) RUSDXRTTY: do not prefill Exchange field with zone but with Oblast, same rules for Band Change applied as for RUSSIANDX. (coded by NA3M) BFRRCUPVHF contest (Belarus only Cup VHF) was added (EW2A) (Coded by NA3M) Ham Spirit Contest: fixed incorrect points for /MM stations (Coded by NA3M) Call Stacking RTE: Added defensive code for a missing second Entry window. (VA7VK) (Coded by K3CT)