Download Info
- Author: n1mm
- File size: 5.17 MB
- Downloads: 8840
- Updated: 2025-02-25
- Categories:
QSO Party: Change the QSO Party abbreviations file for a future QO Party addition. (Coded by K3CT) Defaults: Change the defaults file for a future change. (Coded by K3CT) RSGBBERU Contest: Score corrections for the new rules. (VE3KI) (Coded by K3CT) Logger+ Audio: Increase the width of the Playback tab options boxes to display all text when larger fonts are selected. (Coded by K3CT) BARTGSRTTY,BARTGRTTYS,BAR75RTTYS,BARTGPSKS: Enable self spotting. (G0FCT, G6NHU) (Coded by K3CT) Russian DX: list of oblasts corrections for the new rules. (RA3AN) (Coded by NA3M)