Download Info
- Author: n1mm
- File size: 4.96 MB
- Downloads: 1295
- Updated: 2021-07-06
- Categories:
Eliminate Invalid IP address message on SDR Server startup (Coded by N1MM) CWOPS: Added the new 7 to 8 gmt session to start of contest code. (VE3KI) (Coded by K3CT) Network Status: Changed the wording of the transmit interlock text. (Coded by K3CT) Improve runtime message when SDR Server has a dll that won't start (Coded by N1MM) Added filter option to WSJT-X decode window. Limits CQs displayed to only those containing entered string. (Coded by AB2ZY) Footswitch: Clear the First One Wins Entry window status message when the other station ends the transmission or when the footswitch pin goes high. (Coded by K3CT) Footswitch: Add an Esc option which executes the Esc key code when the footswitch pin is high. (N3RD) (Coded by K3CT) Multi-Station RunTimeErrors: Added defensive coding for multi-station configurations to prevent RTEs when stations drop off the network. (Coded by K3CT) Multi-Station: Added common MultiUser functions and replaced some code with these new functions. (Coded by K3CT) Fixed focus problem when SO2V used with Waterfall Bandmap. (N5ZO)(Coded by N2IC) Added new mults for BY call areas WAE contest (Coded by AB2ZU) WJSTList: Changed the filter prompt. Removed two unused functions. (Coded by K3CT)