N1MM Logger+ Update 1.0.9342 (November 16, 2021)

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  • When Sending QTC using MMVARI the QTC line was getting garbled and not sending correctly. (Coded by N2AMG) Fixed erroneous split indicator and activation in Bandmap and Available windows. (K2PO) (Coded by N2IC) Sometimes, newer spots were not replacing existing spots for a call in the Available window. Fixed. (Coded by N2IC) Allow 160 meter QSO's in JIDX. (KA6BIM)(Coded by N2IC) CtrlPgUp/Dn: Change the radio mode between LSB & USB when using Ctrl+PgUp/Dn. (Coded by K3CT) UDC - allow decimals as multipliers in all /PoitsMult.../ parameters, fixed bug in /DupeQSOMinutesAgo/ (G4OGB) (Coded by NA3M)