N1MM Logger+ Update 1.0.9473 (March 8, 2022)

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  • REF Contest: Change the contest start day to Saturday. (F4FRF) (Coded by K3CT) TRN File: When switching contest logs, QSO's were not saved in the correct backup log file. (DL6KVA) (Coded by K3CT) CNCW Contest: Change the start time to 1200 UTC. (EA4URE) (Coded by K3CT) Digital Fldigi at times would not log the correct mode when the mode had changed from RTTY to PSK63. Fixed (Coded by N2AMG) Copied {FREQUP} and FREQDN} macro substitutions into the String substitutions routine. (Coded by N2AMG) EARTTY: Change start time to 1200Z (EC3A) (Coded by N1MM) CME: Change start time to 1200Z (EC3A) (Coded by N1MM