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- Author: n1mm
- File size: 5.03 MB
- Downloads: 8437
- Updated: 2022-12-20
- Categories:
UDC: TOUR command parameters can now be entered in EW in these fields: MiscText, Exchange1Text, SectionText and NameText (Coded by NA3M) System Information: Add section 11A for the current operator settings file. (Coded by K3CT) SO2R: If both radios are on the same band, suppress the "Can not set both radios to the same band" message. (N1EN) (Coded by K3CT) Flex Mute Mic: Store the users MIC setting once per message. (Coded by K3CT) Per-operator: Add WinKey AutoSpace option to the per operator list. (Coded by K3CT) Per-operator: Changed the remaining WinKey options to use the *.ini file setting instead of the program defaults. (Coded by K3CT) Per-operator: Some WinKey hardware settings were not changing with an operator change. (N2IC) (Coded by K3CT & N2IC) All ARRL contests allow self spotting regardless of assisted or operator category. (N1MM) (Coded by AB2ZY) {SENTEXCH} in UDC, allow using non Numeric exchange up to 5 characters (G4OGB) (Coded by NA3M) Experimental: Added spectrum display for K4 (Coded by N1MM)